Check the /assets/nls directory of your locally installed demo, to see the result of the merging process!

General information

Configuration options (/protected/config/main.php)

//part of /protected/config/main.php:
    'clientScript' => array(
        //------ General NLSClientSript settings ------
        //see Merging JS page
        //------ CSS-merge specific settings ------
        //do merge!
        'mergeCss' => true,
        //EXPERIMENTAL - if true, all resources referred by url (webfonts, images etc) will be cloned locally 
        'downloadCssResources' => true,
        //if the below is true, the merged files will be re-composed on every request - ONLY for debugging/development
        'forceMergeCss' => false,
        //only merge if at least two files are linked
        'mergeAbove' => 1,
        //do minification on the result
        'compressMergedCss' => false,
        //Filtering for merge - null or php regex here
        'mergeCssIncludePattern' => '/only_merge_this_pattern/i',
        'mergeCssExcludePattern' => '/no_merge_this_pattern/i',